BMW Owners News The Magazine

"From the very beginning in 1972, the purpose of the BMW Owners News has always been to let each member know how much alike, and yet completely different from each other we really are. These are the words that drive us each month to produce the best content for the printed page.

The BMW Owners News brings you the stories of everyday BMW motorcyclists who ventured out to find their version of an epic adventure. For some, it is a trip across the state and for others, a trip around the world. We bring you all of it, every month.

Click the cover for the digital edition.


Are you a writer or photographer and interested in submitting your work to BMW Owners News or our website? If so, please email our editorial staff for a copy of our submission guidelines.

back issues

Looking for some historical information or just missing a back issue in your collection? We have several years of back issues available on line and a small inventory of print copies available.

Letters to the Editor

The essence of the BMW Owners News every month is the BMW MOA member. Like or dislike—we need to hear from you! Drop us a line. Let us know what is working and what isn't.


Got a Scoop?

If you have a feature story idea or the inside dirt on a topic our members should know about, we want to hear from you! Contact our editorial staff with your ideas and you could be published in BMW Owners News!

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