All the MOA's mileage contests have the same general rules and process. To complete your entry into the a Mileage Contest, please fill out the relevant form and mail it to the address below. A valid BMW MOA membership must be maintained throughout the Mileage Contest time period to be eligible.
Michelin is a proud sponsor of the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America.
- All miles or kilometers reported must have been aboard a BMW motorcycle.
- Beginning and ending mileage must be submitted on the official form included in BMW Owners News or downloaded from this page. Copies of the form are acceptable.
- Always include your BMW MOA member number on all correspondence.
- When entering miles or kilometers, always include the total mi/km on a bike with more than 100,000 mi/km with an odometer that has turned over to zero (0). For example, 25,000 mi/km on a bike that has gone over 100,000 should be reported as 125,000;
over 200,000 reported as 225,000, etc.
- If you traded bikes or changed speedometers during the contest, send in the final mileage of your old bike and the beginning and ending mileage of the new bike with signatures from the dealer or former owner. If a loaner or rental bike is used, please
provide verification of that mileage.
- If you live in a remote area and have difficulty getting signatures, that will be taken into consideration.
The 2024-25 Annual Mileage Contest covers the period from 1 April 2024 through 31 March 2025. There is only one mileage contest for this period.
Start forms must be submitted by 1 May 2024.
BMW MOA Mileage Contest Announcement
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the MOA mileage contests will temporarily relax the signature requirements when submitting mileage contest start and end forms. An easy option is to email digital photos of your odometer readings to the MOA Mileage Contest Coordinator Jim Low. Please note on the verification signature line of your mileage form that you have emailed photos for your starting or ending mileage. Other forms of verification are also allowed, including recent maintenance performed by your local shop as long as the mileage is shown on the service order. Other allowances will also be made. Thanks to all who participate and remember to stay safe.
Email MOA Mileage Contest Coordinator Jim Low with questions.
Start forms must be postmarked by 1 May 2024. All forms (start and end) should be sent to: BMW MOA Mileage Contest, c/o BMW MOA, 2350 Hwy 101 S, Greer SC 29651.